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The frugal Aussie's guide to grocery shopping

Taking your time to shop smarter for groceries is important as the cost-of-living increases put the squeeze on household budgets. Picture Unsplash.
Taking your time to shop smarter for groceries is important as the cost-of-living increases put the squeeze on household budgets. Picture Unsplash.

Brought to you by Emmanuel Davis.

Grocery shopping can be an expensive endeavour. The cost of food and other items in the supermarket can add up quickly and blow your budget.

But it doesn't have to be that way. With a little planning and a few helpful tips, you can easily save money on groceries in Australia. That's why we've put together this Frugal Aussie's Guide to Grocery Shopping - so you can shop smarter and get more bang for your buck.

Know what you need before you go shopping

Having a clear idea of what you need before even entering the store is one of the best ways to save on groceries. When it comes to how to save on groceries Australia, start by taking stock of your pantry and refrigerator; you might be surprised to find that you already have some of the items you're looking for.

Once you know what you have and what you need, make a list and stick to it. Consider how much of each item you will need, so try to estimate the quantity you will need for the upcoming weeks or months. Planning ahead can help you to save money and avoid unnecessary waste. Knowing what and how much you need before shopping is a key to saving on groceries in Australia.

Take advantage of specials

Taking advantage of specials is one of the best ways to save on groceries in Australia. Shopping around for specials can help you get more bang for your buck. Look for promotional offers, such as buy-one-get-one-free or discounted prices on certain items. You should also check store websites, app notifications, and flyers for any special deals.

Another great way to take advantage of specials is to join loyalty programs. Many stores offer discounts to members who purchase specific items or shop regularly. Taking advantage of specials will help you get the most out of your grocery budget.

Compare prices

Make time for bargain hunting. Make a quick price comparison between stores or online shops. Check for specials and look out for discounts at your local supermarkets. Look for products with long-term expiration dates, such as frozen vegetables and fruits.

When comparing prices, search for items that are sold in bulk so you can buy larger quantities for less. Buying in bulk is a great way to save money and it also ensures that you'll have a supply of groceries for several weeks. Lastly, don't forget to check the websites of individual stores or online retailers, as they may have special offers that aren't advertised elsewhere.

Purchase in bulk

Buying in bulk can be a great way to save money on groceries. If you have a large family, or if you're looking to save some money, it might be worth buying items in bulk.

Buying in bulk is useful when you know you'll need things for a long time. It works best when you're buying something that can be stored easily, such as canned goods, rice, flour, and other pantry staples. Many supermarkets offer discounts when you buy items in bulk. Be sure to take advantage of these specials when you can.