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Syngenta Growth Awards Regional Winners announced

The Syngenta Growth Awards Regional winners come from across Australia and New Zealand. Picture supplied
The Syngenta Growth Awards Regional winners come from across Australia and New Zealand. Picture supplied

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The future of agriculture in Australia and New Zealand is in sound hands, according to Syngenta Managing Director and Country Head ANZ, Paul Luxton, who today announced the Regional Winners of this year's Syngenta Growth Awards, which recognises growers, advisers and innovators for their contribution to the industry.

The 23 Regional Winners, selected from a list of impressive nominations, will now progress to the final stage of judging, decided by a panel of independent industry specialists. The Regional Winners will gather in Sydney later in the year for the National Gala Dinner, where National Winners will be awarded in each category, and participate in a series of business workshops prior to the gala on agtech advancements and sustainable farming to extend their skillset.

The Syngenta Growth Awards program was launched in 2014 with Productivity, Sustainability, and Community & People categories. An Innovator category was added in 2020.

"We had an incredibly strong pool of nominees this year, reflecting the huge amount of talent, commitment and sheer hard work in our industry," Mr Luxton said.

"Choosing regional finalists was a difficult task - as it always is - but it's such an honour to recognise individuals who are leading the way through exemplary practice, innovation, collaboration and passion for the industry.

"The list of Regional Winners covers a broad range of careers, locations and achievements - because excellence can be found everywhere in this diverse sector."

Mr Luxton says the impact of the awards program goes beyond the award winners.

"While we're celebrating individual achievement with this program, we are also seeking to empower regional and agricultural communities, which are sometimes undervalued and underestimated.

"Our agriculture industry is world class and deserves its time in the spotlight."

The National Winners in each of the four categories will be offered the opportunity to attend an international study tour next year, and will also join an alumni of previous winners, who remain connected and continue to add value to their communities.

Syngenta's global sustainability commitments

The Syngenta Growth Awards support the goals of Syngenta's four ambitious global sustainability commitments to reduce agriculture's carbon footprint and help farmers deal with the extreme weather patterns caused by climate change.

The four commitments include accelerating Syngenta's innovations to provide solutions for farmers, striving for carbon neutral agriculture, partnering with stakeholders across industries for impact, and lastly helping people stay safe and healthy by training eight million farm workers and striving for fair labour across their entire supply chain.

The Syngenta Growth Awards Regional winners are:

Innovator Category

  • Clayton Donovan, Rocklea, Queensland
  • Nick Bloor, Varsity Lakes, Queensland
  • Fiona & Liam Mann, Eradu, Western Australia

Community and People Category

  • Allan & Nell Dawson, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand - Grower
  • David Manktelow, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand - Adviser
  • Cam Conboy, Lake Bolac, Victoria - Adviser
  • Andrew Gawith, Murtoa, Victoria - Grower

Productivity Category

  • Broden Holland, Young, New South Wales - Grower
  • Edward (Ted) Langley, Bordertown, South Australia - Grower
  • Martin Lovegrove, Verran, South Australia - Adviser
  • Scott Paton, Fremantle, Western Australia - Adviser
  • Daniel Andrews, Echuca, Victoria - Adviser
  • Bill Campbell, Geraldton, Western Australia - Adviser
  • Craig Brown, Perth, Western Australia - Adviser
  • Darren Best, Toodyay, Western Australia - Grower
  • Bruno Capogreco, Mandurah, Western Australia - Grower

Sustainability Category

  • James Kahl, Wee Waa, New South Wales - Grower
  • Rob Long, Moree, New South Wales - Adviser
  • Hamish Marr, Methven, New Zealand - Grower
  • Murray Kelly, Christchurch, New Zealand - Adviser
  • Lawrence DiBella, Ingham, Queensland - Adviser
  • Nigel Blieschke, Barossa Valley, South Australia - Adviser
  • Jurie Germishuys, Greater Adelaide, South Australia - Grower

Learn more about this year's Syngenta Growth Awards here -